Monday, May 5, 2008

She, Me and the Wii

I remember the sweaty palms
The racing pulse before unlocking the door

I then remember the calm
The resting peace I felt was sudden and sure

She walked in and smiled wide
We enjoyed a hug and I drank in her form

I was curious of her mind
And couldn't remember being this thrown before

Conversation started, wine poured
She commented on my cleanliness and my words back stumbled

Such beautiful eyes, my word!
I think I forgot what she just said; I tried to keep humble

My nervousness became obvious
"Come sit, be calm," she said...I oblige and we touch

Now there's no tension between us
The nerves and anxiety I felt seemed not to matter as much

I see her lips move as she speaks
The words they utter are as soft and sincere as I can remember

Can it be this nice? The way we meet?
I stop caring about everything when we kiss...igniting embers

Soon we embrace and the world melts
All that's there now is a union of two on a night set in time

The passion and pulling, buttons and belts...
The intensity of love expressed when her eyes met with mine

I kiss her goodnight on my meager twin bed
"I can't believe you sleep on this" she said and I conceded

Welcome, dear, to your own place in my head
It seems that for all I thirst, your company is all I've needed.
