Thursday, February 19, 2015

New Rig Rundown video up!!

Check out my guitar rig for use in street performance:

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Ever dream of leaving your corporate job to follow your passion? This guy just did it.

I am a 35 year old male who, for the past 15 years, has worked a steady, salaried job for some company or another. I'm unmarried. I have a dog, a little savings and a slowly growing 401(k). Life is relatively easy. 

But that's about to change. 

You see, for the past 5 years I have been playing soothing, melodic guitar music on the streets of Denver, Colorado and the public response has been nothing short of overwhelming. People genuinely love my music; I know this. I make people happy doing this.

I have been asked more times than I can count, "Why don't you go to _______? You'd kill it there!"

Vegas. Nashville. New Orleans. LA. San Francisco. Chicago. New York...all of these incredible cities that would just love to embrace a musician like me, if only for a few days.

But as you probably know, having a salaried corporate job doesn't typically allow for more than a handful or two of paid vacation days in a year. Also, such a job typically isn't as fulfilling as a job that you are viciously passionate about - something that makes your heart sing every time you 'work'. 

But in America at least, most of us just do our jobs even at the expense of foregoing our true passions. After all, what kind of fool would do something as risky as quitting his cushy corporate job just to play guitar all day?

Well, I'm that kind of fool. 

I'm that kind of fool because I believe that if I truly do what I love to do, and if I work like an animal at it, I can positively change the world way more than I could behind a desk, making sales calls all day. 

I'm that kind of fool because I've realized that my purpose in life has nothing to do with meeting revenue quotas and it has everything to do with leveraging my creative talents to benefit others. 

Playing music had always been more of a hobby than anything else. But now, it's my life.

And I'm asking for your help.

The founder of social networking website SFX.IO, has contacted me about crowdsourcing a sponsorship to tour the United States, playing music in city streets everywhere. This is something that makes me weak in the knees with excitement just to even think about. I cannot even imagine the amount of joy that I would bring to public centers, parks, shopping malls, courtyards...the possibilities are endless!

But relying on the kindness of complete strangers to fund this? Could I actually, realistically hope for that?

This is where you come in. 

If you support the idea of pursuing a dream, if you yourself have dreams that inspire you to be more than just a corporate drone, consider sponsoring me on SFX.IO. $4.99/month is what I am asking. Here is the sponsor link

This kind of support will help me maintain my gear, provide food for me and Kulia (my dog), buy gas for my travels, and most importantly, it will help me give music to the people far and wide across this nation. If I get enough support, I might even consider a world tour!

If you simply want to keep up with me on this journey, feel free to follow me on Twitter and Facebook; I will be posting stories of my adventures as I pursue my true passion, and you'll be along for the ride.

You can learn more about me by visiting my main site

I want to be clear: I am not trying to get rich here. I am trying to build a way to bring great music to city streets everywhere, and I am putting my faith in the goodness of humankind to do so. 

Thanks for reading this, and I'll see you on the road!

- Bret Dallas (and Kulia)