Thursday, May 13, 2010

Yesterday I went around picking up trash...

A few weeks ago, there was a large renovation project taking place at my apartment complex. They were replacing the roofs of the units and doing some painting.

After this renovation was complete, I noticed that the workers had left a few things of value behind. One of these things was a roll of industrial garbage bags, each probably 50 gallons large. There might have been 10 or so bags in the roll.

Upon finding it during a morning walk with my dog, I grabbed the roll and took it home with me. Who can't find a use for some heavy duty garbage bags?

Yesterday, I decided to put one of these bags to use. It was a bit cold and damp after work but I decided to spend some time picking up trash on the block that I live on. It's not that there's a trash problem in's quite the opposite in fact. This place is remarkably clean.

So I started off on my quest for errant trash - big ass trash bag in hand. What I found along the way didn't really surprise me but I did smile after coming across a woman's discarded shopping list, which I found soaked and crumpled in the roots of a roadside bush. The list went something like this:

- 1 bra
- 2 panties
- razor
- toilet paper (fluffy kind)
- hand lotion
- food

A few of the items on this list were scratched off, presumably, because the woman had managed to buy the items. I'm also presuming she is in fact a woman, barring the possibility that it could have been a man shopping for ladies undergarments either for his partner or for himself, were he to have a fetish for such dress.

Anyway, as I was standing there on the side of the road with cars zooming by and me growing increasingly wetter due to the falling drizzle, I smiled. It was more of a knowing grin actually, because I realized I was holding a piece of paper that at some point meant something to someone. It, at a time, had real value, because it was a way of helping someone accomplish what most would consider a pretty banal task, namely shopping for underwear and toiletries.

And it just happened that I ended up being the one to find this list, assist it on it's journey into the trash bin, and enjoy a brief moment of involvement in someone else's life without their knowing.

I ended up gathering about 15 pounds of trash yesterday over the course of an hour and a half.

When I returned home I greeted my dog with a hug and concluded the evening with some reading and a few pieces of pizza.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Lyman Ward Military Academy Hazing, Beatings article

The above link describes the atrocities at LWMA (Lyman Ward Military Academy) as they're told by the parents of cadets attending the academy.

In 2005 at least 8 lawsuits were filed against Lyman Ward Military School, and to this day at least a dozen are still unresolved.

It's stuff like this that gets swept UNDER THE RUG and removed from internet search engines in a pathetic (yet effective) attempt by the academy to keep these awful incidents under wraps.