I began my day today with a certain peace that I haven't felt in a while.
I can remember ending my day yesterday with a long meditation session just before bed, and I can't help but think that the early retiring and focused relaxation contributed to this morning's levity.
But it's more than that.
I'm tripping through memories of when I was a boy, remembering the very specific calm I experienced when I sat in a stream with only my shorts on, letting the flow of the water course over my shoulders. Laying down on the rocks in that stream was sort of a respite from the confusing, awkward time I was having as a teenager. Now that I am older, I appreciate more the value of completely forgetting the worries of the world and retreating into the mind for solace.
The true, undeniable peace I can reach through meditation and focused relaxation puts any artificial means of euphoria to shame. 20 minutes of deadening my thoughts and completely isolating my consciousness from external stimulus is equal to or better than any drug I've tried.
5-6 years ago, this kind of disciplined rest would have been impossible. I was far too concerned with ego and projected image to really be able to cut off the world and reside in my own mind.
Many things since my childhood have contributed to my current level of peace, not the least of which is music. Then there's my attention to physical health and nutrition. Also, the intentional simplicity in my life attained by not constantly adding material things to my domain and always opting for the less complex lifestyle.
I'm excited to see where else I can go with this kind of living. I'm curious about which patch will be added that elevates me to yet a higher, more transcendent way of living.